Make A Donation
Donations to the Audrain Automobile Museum help support everything from exhibitions and events to education and programming. Select from the icons below to begin donating.
Thank you for your interest in supporting the Audrain Automobile Museum. The Audrain Automobile Museum is a registered 501c3 Rhode Island not-for-profit organization It is supported by the generosity of its members, local residents, corporations and other philanthropic individuals, as well as from admissions and merchandise sales. The Museum has become a must-see both for locals and visitors to Aquidneck Island and Newport, a town known as the birthplace of the Vanderbilt Cup, the first major trophy in American automobile racing.
Your contribution directly supports an endowment designated for the acquisition, restoration, and preservation of historically important automobiles. In addition to preservation, the Museum is dedicated to advancing the research and study of Newport’s and Southern New England’s automotive history. We look forward to a continued relationship for the benefit of automobiles and history alike. Some of the curriculum will include the utilization of our newly acquired race simulators. Beyond the fun of racing, this technology allows students to see how STEM research takes science, technology, engineering, and math out of the classroom and into the real world by using specific programming and design techniques that are being learned in schools today. We will also use our upcoming exhibits to highlight our collection of Newport-specific cars offering a different side of local history for children and adults to relate to and learn about.

Planned Giving
Planned gifts will help strengthen the Audrain’s endowment and further the Museum’s mission while serving your own philanthropic goals. Planned giving may include bequests, life insurance, retirement plans and other giving opportunities. Additionally, planned gifts may provide income and tax benefits to you and/or your heirs. Consider making a lasting legacy with a gift by will, contact us directly to discuss your planned giving interests 401-856-4420.
The automobile not only transports us from place to place, but also through time, making memories, telling stories and profoundly informing and transforming American culture. Please help us identify, acquire and restore and share important automobiles and historic works of art for our community and future generations.
Help us continue to deliver on our mission of Preserving, Celebrating & Sharing Automotive History, by serving all those who are already car enthusiasts, or those who just don’t know it yet.
Annual Fund 2022
For more information about our annual fund for 2022 by viewing our booklet below: